
Tohamsan Recreational Forest (토함산자연휴양림)
1.5km to HICO (5 minutes by car)
Opening date
July 12, 1997
Usage time
Check-in 15:00-22:00 / Check-out 12:00 (the next day)

Check-in 13:00-20:00 / Check-out 13:00 (the next day)

* Campground not available June 1-October 31

Tohamsan Recreational Forest is home to various broad leaf and needle leaf trees, animals, and plants. It is

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Detailed information

Nearby restaurant

Bomun Hanu
Bareuda Gimseonsaeng (Good Teacher Kim)

Surrounding quarters

Hilton Gyeongju
The-K Gyeongju Hotel (더 케이 호텔 경주)
Zara Hotel
* Data provided : Korea Tourism Organization