
Korean Western Cafe&Dessert Others
Ryugane Hanu Gomtang (Seongdong Branch)
1.5km to HICO (5 minutes by car)
representative menu
Hanu Gomtang (Korean Beef Bone Soup), Hanu Ugeoji (Korean Beef and Cabbage)
business hours
off day
Open year-round

Menu & Price
- Hanu Gomtang
(Korean Beef Bone Soup) : 10,000 won
- Hanu Ugeoji
(Korean Beef and Cabbage) : 10,000 won 
- Hanu Suyuk
(Boiled Korean Beef Slices) : 40,000 won
- Hanu Tteok-galbi Jeongsik
(Grilled Korean Short Beef Rib
Patties Set Menu) : 17,000 won
- Hanu Dogani
(Korean Beef Knee) : 16,000 won

Map View

* Data provided : Korea Tourism Organization